Please stop. The anger and energy being committed to arguing about curriculum is moot. Stop, please.
The problem with education in North America is not the curriculum. It's simpler than that and can be fixed quite easily.
Students eat a healthy breakfast and lunch, drink water throughout the day, get eight to nine hours of sleep each night, exercise for 45 minutes at least three times a week, and complete all work on time. Do your best work. If you need help, ask.
Teachers provide a clear and interesting path to learning, ensure your students and their parents know what is expected, and give frequent quality feedback. Do your best work. If you need help, ask.
Parents realize schools are responsible for only part of your child's education. You are responsible for the rest. Do your best work. If you need help, ask.
Administrators visit classrooms frequently, learn all of the students' names, and protect your students and faculty. Do your best work. If you need help, ask.
Politicians support the people involved in schools, support the people involved at schools, and support the people involved with schools. Do your best work. If you need help, ask.
Society communicate the true value of education through your proactive and productive actions. Do your best work. If you need help, ask...and please stop swearing.